About Us
YP of Reno County
Our Mission
To connect, develop, and empower young professionals by fostering attachment to people and places in Reno County and inspiring investment toward a thriving quality of life.
Who are we?
We are a volunteer-based, not-for-profit membership organization that provides professional and personal development opportunities for 21-40 year olds living or working in Reno County. Through our action teams, we coordinate social events, professional connections, service projects, and advocacy effort.
YP Membership Code of Conduct
YP Reno County is committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for their members and sponsors. When attending a YP event, all members should be aware of and comply with the YP Membership Code of Conduct.
YP Advisory Council members will promptly intervene to support an environment where all participants, including YP members, sponsors, and guests can enjoy the event. YP Members are required to refrain from the following behaviors:
- Behavior that is unruly, disruptive, or illegal in nature
- Intoxication or other signs of alcohol or substance impairment
- Foul or abusive language or obscene gestures
- Interference with the progress of the event, including disruptive behavior during sponsor remarks or any announcements
- Failing to follow instructions from event organizers or sponsors
- Verbal or physical harassment of other members, guests, or sponsors
- Smoking except in designated areas
- Behavior that detracts from the enjoyment of other members, guests, or sponsors
- Conduct that endangers other members, guests, or sponsors
YP Members are responsible for their own conduct as well as the conduct of their guests. Please respect the rights of others.
We thank you for adhering to the provisions of the YP Membership Code of Conduct
Tell us how we can help you better enjoy your YP Membership! Email yprenocountyks@gmail.com, contact any Advisory Council member, or contact any YP Ambassador.