About Us
Action Teams
Action Teams are made up of YP members who want to be actively involved in making a difference in YP Reno County and ultimately our community. They are the decision makers and the driving force behind our events, services, and programs. Teams meet once a month for about an hour. If you have questions about an Action Team, please contact them by using the email addresses below.
Connection Team
The Connection Team is all about initiating and promoting efforts in Reno County to unite people, businesses, and organizations.
If you have an interest in joining the Connections Team, email us at connections@yprenocounty.com.
Voice Team
The Voice Team inspires civic engagement while advocating for a thriving community quality of life. This team is committed to listening to our members and taking action. We work to influence positive change and encourage involvement in our community.
If you have an interest in joining the Voice Team, email us at voice@yprenocounty.com.
Service Team
The Service Team is all about volunteering in the community and helping where we are needed. We connect our members with unique and interesting opportunities to make a difference in Reno County.
If you have an interest in joining the Service Team, email us at service@yprenocounty.com.
Pulse Team
The Pulse Team is the committee responsible for planning YP’s social events and activities. Our goal is to create events to help build a peer-based network of Young Professionals in our community.
If you have an interest in joining the Pulse Team, email us at pulse@yprenocounty.com.
YP Athletic
Are you interested in participating on a sports team? YP offers a variety of coed leagues throughout the year. We offer volleyball, kickball, softball, and even 5K runs, just to name a few!
If you have an interest in joining an athletic team, email us at athletics@yprenocounty.com.