About Us
YP of Reno County

Allison Southard
Athletics Chair
Hello, my name is Allison Southard. I have been a member of YP for 2 years and have been on YP council for one year. Being the YP Athletics Chair is such a privilege as I get to be a part of an organization that makes a difference in our community, as well as bringing athletes together that may not necessarily want to put their own teams together but want to play on an organized team. While being a part of YP, I have met so many new people and played on teams that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise. We have put teams in place for Volleyball, Sand Volleyball, Softball, and Kickball.
With that being said, I am also a full-time employee of First National Bank where I have worked for 4 years. I am a full-time mother, wife and a part time student. I enjoy getting out in our community as much as I possibly can to help those who need it. The biggest community project that I enjoy helping with is the United Way Community Work Day.